Crafting systems that remain intelligent, generative, and creative.
Systems are not static
Just as families do, organizations and teams have roles: Leader. Fixer. Communicator. Follower. Questioner. Avoider. Philosophizer…
When someone joins the organization or team, the system shifts slightly. People may retain the roles they had occupied, adding or shedding new aspects of new or vacated roles, they might step into new roles altogether, or they might exit the team.
Questions to explore:
What does this system need in order to thrive?
How do we want to be when things are difficult?
What does “the best of us” look like for this organization?
What does the relationship need from us?
Imagine an organization with the ability and confidence to apply skills like these:
Creating from change
Understanding powerful questions
Focused listening
Dwelling in possibility
Using clean questions
Asking for feedback
Slowing down
Creating psychological safety
Reflecting & responding vs reacting
Get started:
Start with a free consult where I’ll listen for what the people and the system is saying.
Custom Session Proposal with engagements to facilitate lasting change. This includes tools and assessments for individuals and teams, and understanding what it’ll take to get team alignment.
*Work at an academic institution? This type of coaching often fits under start up funds, grant development, or continuing ed after I become an approved vendor.
Coaching in regular intervals that’s bespoke to help your highly successful team flex, expand their range, and respond to any challenge.